CBS Television Distribution
Which Lucy mood best represents you?
Lucy is known for her many antics and moods on I Love Lucy. Whether she's being silly, sneaky, or sarcastic, Lucy is full of personality. That’s part of the reason we all love Lucy so much.
Today, we’re going to find out which Lucy mood best matches yours! From her famous antics, physical comedy, schemes, and iconic scenes, there are many moments to choose from, but today we’ve focused on a few of her most popular moods.
Take the quiz to find out which Lucy mood best matches yours. Just answer the questions, and we’ll 'splain' it all later. Have fun!
Your alarm goes off in the morning. What mood do you usually wake up in?
What's your favorite part of Lucy's personality?
It’s your day off! What are you going to do today?
Which part of your day do you usually look forward to most?
Finish this sentence: "Life is..."
How do you think your friends would describe you?
Finish this sentence: "The thing that gives me the most life is..."
Your friend has a rough week, what do you do to cheer them up?
Which antic do you think you and Lucille Ball would get up to?
Which of these describes how you feel most days?
How do you feel about social situations?
Which Lucy mood best represents you?
Your Result...
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