MGM Television
Can you guess what Mr. Haney is selling on Green Acres?
The classic sitcom Green Acres is filled with outrageous and oddball characters — one being the ever-persistent, scheming Mr. Haney. Most might call him a scam artist, but he would much prefer the term "entrepreneur."
Here are ten businesses Mr. Haney unveiled to Oliver on the show. Can you fill in the blank to properly label each one?
When Oliver says he's in need of more than just a car, Mr. Haney conveniently unveils "Haney's Rent a _______"
MGM Television
What is missing from this sign?
MGM Television
Drucker's store is closed, so Haney provides what kind of general store?
MGM Television
Similarly, Haney's birthday "shoppy" uses the word...
MGM Television
Here, Haney advertises what kind of planter?
MGM Television
Oliver says he's actually planting something else so Haney naturally pulls down a sign for a _______ planter.
MGM Television
What is missing from this sign?
MGM Television
Haney added "Member of the Fryer's Club" as a play on words. What is missing here?
MGM Television
What word is missing from this wordy sign?
MGM Television
Here, Haney advertises the "Transcontinental _________ Apple Trucking Company"
MGM Television