Warner Brothers
Which Bugs Bunny mood are you?
So which Bugs Bunny mood matches yours the best? Let's find out!
Your alarm goes off in the morning, which mood do you usually wake up in?
We bring you a platter of different kinds of food. Which of these would you choose to eat?
It's a long weekend, what are you doing on your day off?
It's a party! What game do you suggest to play?
What part of your day do you look forward to the most?
Finish this sentence. "Life is..."
How would your friends describe your personality?
You and your friend have plans for the day. What would you most likely be doing?
Your friend has a rough week, what do you do to cheer them up?
Which of these describes how you feel most days?
How do you feel about social situations?
Which Bugs Bunny disguise would you dress up as?